Alex Wallach Records
Company Name: Alex Wallach Records
Status: Active
State: Maine
Post: 03909-1407
County: York
City: York
Address: 32 Moulton Lane
Phone: (207)363-8313
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 573501 Industry group: Home Furniture, Furnishings, And Equipment Stores, Business category: Record and Prerecorded Tape Stores, Subcategory: Records tapes & compact discs-retail
Employees: 4
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 576,000
Overall: Alex Wallach Records is a business categorized under record and prerecorded tape stores, which is part of the larger category home furniture, furnishings, and equipment stores. Alex Wallach Records is located at the address 32 Moulton Lane in York, Maine 03909-1407. You can contact by phone (207)363-8313.
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