A Shade Better, 190 Route 1, Falmouth, ME, 04105-1303, draperies & curtains-retail/custom made

U.S Furniture Stores Maine Furniture Stores Maine - List of United States Furniture, Furnishings & Equipment Stores

A Shade Better

Company Name: A Shade Better
Status: Active
State: Maine
Post: 04105-1303
County: Cumberland
City: Falmouth
Address: 190 Route 1
Phone: (207)781-2113
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Kelly Brown
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 571407 Industry group: Home Furniture, Furnishings, And Equipment Stores, Business category: Drapery, Curtain, and Upholstery Stores, Subcategory: Draperies & curtains-retail/custom made
Employees: 1
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 104,000
Overall: A Shade Better is a business categorized under drapery, curtain, and upholstery stores, which is part of the larger category home furniture, furnishings, and equipment stores. A Shade Better is located at the address 190 Route 1 in Falmouth, Maine 04105-1303. The Owner is Kelly Brown who can be contacted at (207)781-2113.
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